Aged and Disability Services

Our Aged and Disability Service extends it support to 8 remote communities, prioritizing client wellbeing through personalized care. We do this by empowering clients to remain in their communities for as long as possible offering a range of services tailored to meet their specific needs and preferences. We work within a set of guidelines and standards from the Aged Care Quality Standards. 

These services encompass meal provision, personal care, domestic assistance, transportation aid, shopping support, social engagement, equipment coordination, package management and connections to Allied Health services for comprehensive community integration. 

Moreover, Aged and Disability Services spearheads the School Nutrition Program across 6 of these remote communities, promoting healthy eating habits and bolstering school attendance, thereby fostering positive educational outcomes. 

Aged and Disability Services initiatives include: 

  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Flexible Aged Care Program (NATSIFACP), funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health. 
  • Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health.
  • School Nutrition Program (SNP), funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency. 
  • We also provide brokerage services to third party Aged Care providers through a fee-for service model (Visitor Brokerage).