Local Authorities
Local Authorities are established under the Local Government Act 2019 and have the following functions:
- To have as their primary objective the support of local decision making.
- To involve local communities more closely in issues related to local government.
- To ensure local communities have an opportunity to express their opinions on questions affecting local government.
- To allow local communities a voice in the formulation of policies for the locality, as well as policies for the area and the region.
- To take the views of local communities back to council and act as advocates on their behalf.
- To develop a Local Authority Plan for their community and contribute to the Regional Plan.
Local Authorities may also from time to time represent their community on other matters, with governments and other organisations able to approach them for advice and consultation on a range of issues. As vacancies arise, potential members nominate themselves for a Local Authority and Council approves the nominations at a Council Meeting. A Chair is chosen from the members of each Local Authority.
Each Local Authority meeting is attended by its Ward Councillors and the President, when available, as well as by senior MacDonnell Regional Council staff.
Approval to present at a Local Authority meeting must be obtained by Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting.
If you would like to present at a meeting, please email your Local Authority Deputation Form to: governance@macdonnell.nt.gov.au.
Local Authority Members