Business with Council
MacDonnell Regional Council (MRC) supports economic development across the region through its vision, mission and goals. Council seeks to facilitate the Local Authorities’ engagement with economic development opportunities.
MRC looks to opportunities that benefit all its residents. Beyond its 13 communities, Council’s region includes many outstations and numerous established and emerging enterprises in the pastoral, tourism and mining industries.
MacDonnell Regional Council has introduced electronic procurement. Council tenders are advertised in the Public Notices of the Classifieds section in The Centralian Advocate at the commencement of a tender period. To view, register or lodge tenders for MacDonnell Regional Council please visit the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal.
Suppliers must be registered on the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal to be eligible to tender.
Any canvassing of Elected members or Council staff in relation to tenders shall result in the proposals being automatically disqualified.
Council has no current tenders.
Council reserves the right to accept or reject any tender.
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Council is currently calling for tenders for
There are no documents to display for this category.
Trade Contractor Panels
MacDonnell Regional Council invites potential contractors from a range of trades and services to register through its Trade Contractor Panel. Trades and services are invited to apply for eligibility through advertisements placed periodically in the Public Notices of the Classifieds section in The Centralian Advocate. To view, register or apply for MacDonnell Regional Council’s Trade Contractor Panels please visit the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal.
Suppliers must be registered on the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal to be eligible for the Trade Contractor Panel. Any canvassing of Elected members or Council staff in relation to the panel shall result in the proposals being automatically disqualified. Council reserves the right to accept or reject any trade contractor panel proposal.
View the results for
MacDonnell Regional Council may also issue a Request for Quote (RFQ) from time to time. To view, register or lodge quotes for MacDonnell Regional Council please visit the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal.
Suppliers must be registered on the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal to be eligible to receive RFQs. Any canvassing of Elected members or Council staff in relation to quotes shall result in the proposals being automatically disqualified. Council reserves the right to accept or reject any quote.
View the result from the request for quotations for the Supply and installation of multi-house solar power system at Warren Creek.
View the result from the request for quotations for the Design of a new Two Storey Grandstand with Change Rooms and Amenities in Papunya Community NT.
Expression of Interest
MacDonnell Regional Council may also issue requests for Expression of Interest (EOI) from time to time. To view, register or lodge EOIs for MacDonnell Regional Council please visit the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal.
Suppliers must be registered on the MacDonnell Regional Council E-Procurement Portal to be eligible to receive requests for an EOI. Any canvassing of Elected members or Council staff in relation to an Expression of Interest shall result in the proposals being automatically disqualified. Council reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest.