Local Authorities
Local Authorities are established under the Local Government Act 2019 and have the following functions:
- To have as their primary objective the support of local decision making.
- To involve local communities more closely in issues related to local government.
- To ensure local communities have an opportunity to express their opinions on questions affecting local government.
- To allow local communities a voice in the formulation of policies for the locality, as well as policies for the area and the region.
- To take the views of local communities back to council and act as advocates on their behalf.
- To develop a Local Authority Plan for their community and contribute to the Regional Plan.
Local Authorities may also from time to time represent their community on other matters, with governments and other organisations able to approach them for advice and consultation on a range of issues. As vacancies arise, potential members nominate themselves for a Local Authority and Council approves the nominations at a Council Meeting. A Chair is chosen from the members of each Local Authority.
Each Local Authority meeting is attended by its Ward Councillors and the President, when available, as well as by senior MacDonnell Regional Council staff.
Approval to present at a Local Authority meeting must be obtained by Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting. If you would like to present at a meeting, please email your Deputation Form to governance@macdonnell.nt.gov.au.
Local Authority Members
Amoonguna - x 1 vacancy available
Lawrence Webb
Samantha Stuart
Sharon Alice
Audrey Miller
Teresa Alice
Rhekita Stuart
Cr Andrew Davis
Cr Lisa Sharman
Cr Patrick Allen
Cr Aloyiscois Hayes
Areyonga - 1 x vacancy available
Sarah Gallagher - Chair
Jonathon Doolan
Joy Kunia
Garnet Djana
Hilda Bert
Jacob Carol
Cr Marlene Abbott
Cr Abraham Poulson
Docker River - 1 x vacancy available
Ruby James - Chair
Winsome Newberry
Rosina Kunia
Denise Brady
Priscilla Abbott
Selinda Lily De Rose
Cr Marlene Abbott
Cr Abraham Poulson
Finke - 2 x vacancies available
Michael Ferguson - Chair
Rosemary Matasia
Susan Doolan
Bridget Doolan
Thomas Stuart
Cr Lisa Sharman
Cr Patrick Allen
Cr Aloyiscois Hayes
Cr Andrew Davis
Haasts Bluff
Derek Egan
Simon Dixon
Kieran Multa
Douglas Multa
Randall Butler
Martin Jugadai
Jennicka Inkamala
Deputy President Dalton McDonald
Cr Jason Minor
Cr Tommy Conway
Hermannsburg - 2 x vacancies available
Nicholas Williams - Chair
Reggie Lankin
Marion Swift
Daryl Kantawara
Alfie Inkamala
President Roxanne Kenny
Cr Mark Inkamala
Cr Maryanne Malbunka
Imanpa - 1 x vacancy available
Kathleen Luckey - Chair
Lesley Luckey
Gary Mumu
Janie (Sheila) Bulla
Tanya Luckey
Roslyn McCormack
Cr Marlene Abbott
Cr Abraham Poulson
Giselle Barku - Chair
Phyllis Rowe
Joe Young
Bundi Rowe
Molly Marlene Nambajimba
Lorraine Scobie
Rex Eddie
Cr Tommy Conway
Cr Jason Minor
Deputy President Dalton McDonald
Mt Liebig - x 1 vacancy available
Audrey Turner - Chair
Carol Peterson
Jeffrey Wheeler
Roderick Kantamara
Tristan Robertson
Rosalind Dixon
Cr Jason Minor
Cr Tommy Conway
Deputy President Dalton McDonald
Papunya - x 1 vacancy available
Karen McDonald - Chair
Terrence Abbott
Graham Poulson
Sarah Stockman
Sammy Pearce
Justine Stockman
Deputy President Dalton McDonald
Cr Jason Minor
Cr Tommy Conway
Santa Teresa - x 1 vacancy available
Louise Cavanagh - Chair
Agnes Alice
Robert Kopp
Leonie Young
Cr Lisa Sharman
Cr Patrick Allen
Cr Aloyiscois Hayes
Cr Andrew Davis
Titjikala - 1 x vacancy available
Greg Sharman - Chair
Janie Campbell
Terry Simmons
Lena Campbell
Geoffrey Campbell
Debra Claude
Cr Lisa Sharman
Cr Patrick Allen
Cr Aloyiscois Hayes
Cr Andrew Davis
Wallace Rockhole
Billy Porter - Chair
Terry Abbott
Pamela Abbott
Colin Craig
Howard Abbott
Ruth Katakarintja
President Roxanne Kenny
Cr Mark Inkamala