Mt Liebig ready to celebrate their win with special guests
16 December 2015
After being named Territory Tidy Town at the recent awards ceremony, the MacDonnell Regional Council community of Mount Liebig is set to celebrate the best way they know how – around a barbeque with all
their residents, National Tidy Town Judge Jill Grant, Minister for Local Government and Community Services Bess Price, and other friends.
Mount Liebig will be in a festive mood this Friday 18 December as they spend the day with the National Tidy Town Judge and the Local Government Minister showcasing the qualities that have seen them qualify as a finalist in the Keep Australia Beautiful, National Tidy Town Awards ahead of all other Northern Territory communities.
The community has been putting in many hours to ensure Mount Liebig is looking even better than when it was named Territory Tidy Town. Before the National Tidy Town Judge Jill Grant gets to the barbeque, she will be shown around the community to inspect the various projects that have seen Mount Liebig achieve its new mantle.
Ms Grant will be shown stakeholder organisations that help underpin the strong community values – they include: NTG Agencies; Group Schools NT; Department of Housing; Waltja Tjutangku Palyapayi Aboriginal Corporation; Remote Health Services NT; Outback Stores; Ngurratjuta RJCP; and various the children’s, youth, sport and recreation services provided by MacDonnell Regional Council.
The entire Mount Liebig community embraces the responsibility to keep their community clean. While the local Civil Works team of the MacDonnell Regional Council provides the backbone for getting things done, they are well supported by the efforts of residents. Broad reaching stakeholder engagement is shown through the community wide respect of public property.
Community wide respect is regularly demonstrated in an emu-bob walk the local school children do with their families each week that maintains Mount Liebig’s general tidiness. As well the local Group School supports the children’s learning about litter, recycling, and greening projects.
Upcycling of materials collected in the waste facility through a reinvention initiative has seen old tyres become colourful statues that are adopted as iconic symbols of the residents’ collective efforts to live in a clean and healthy community. A recycling program that sells various metals, batteries and other waste items has become a fundraiser for community projects.
The community’s resourcefulness ethic has also seen the amount of available play equipment in the family park, double. New swings have appeared that utilise offcut pipes from a recent government fencing program. Old housing tiles and car tyres have also been reinvented into play equipment and games that are designed to support literacy and numeracy learning.
Representatives from Mount Liebig and MacDonnell Regional Council will travel to Toodyay in Western Australia where the national winners of the Keep Australia Beautiful Tidy Towns Awards will be announced at a gala presentation on Friday 18 March 2016.