Outstation Services

Four full time and ten part time indigenous employees are currently engaged in the outstation program as Outstation Works team members. They carry out regular inspections of outstation homelands, conduct monthly audits and prioritise work checks. Based on the information gathered by the Outstation Works team, planned maintenance works is carried out. Through this program MacDonnell Regional Council manages the housing maintenance program servicing 104 dwellings in various outstations across the jurisdiction.

Council upgrades to housing at these outstations include roofing repairs, replacement of windows and doors, excavation of landfill trenches, provision of septic pumps and installation of water pressure pumps, installation of guttering, water tanks, solar panels and batteries as well as pressure cleaning and painting of buildings.

Municipal and Essential Services are also provided to 41 eligible indigenous outstations. Municipal Services include internal road maintenance, domestic waste collection, landscaping and dust control measures, maintenance of fire breaks, animal control, environmental health activities and any other required municipal services. Essential Services include maintenance and operation of existing power, water and sewerage infrastructure systems. Minimum Level Service standards are conducted twice per year at each eligible homeland.